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Blurred Business People

Company Data Made Simple

BabaCom instantly searches, cross-references and collates Companies House, Land Registry, LinkedIn and Google Maps data.

Instant Access

Make fact-based decisions

Enhance business trust

BabaCom Sample Company screen
Laptop screen

There are lots of reasons people need to find company data…

Calculator and Finances

“That company owes me money … “


“We might do business with that company …”

Sale Window

“That company has offered me a job ... “

Touchscreen Computer

“That company owns the property that I rent ... “

BabaCom makes it simple to get company data

Colour coding makes it easy to see immediately the status of information, for example active or dissolved companies
or disqualified company officers

Data can be easily sorted and filtered and can be downloaded as CSV, Excel or PDF files *

* Silver / Gold access

Explore Our Pricing Options

Upgrade for free anytime from within you account (cancel old plan, then purchase new).

  • Bronze

    A great way to get to know the app!
    Free Plan
    • Comprehensive company overviews
    • Past and present company officers directors and secretaries
    • Disqualified officers
    • Filing history of all documents e.g. accounts and directors
    • Legal charges e.g. mortgages and debentures
    • Persons with significant control
    • Advanced company search for multiple criteria
  • Silver

    Every month
    Ideal for regular use.
     14 day free trial
    • Comprehensive company overviews
    • Past and present company officers directors and secretaries
    • Disqualified officers
    • Filing history of all documents e.g. accounts and directors
    • Legal charges e.g. mortgages and debentures
    • Persons with significant control
    • Advanced company search for multiple criteria
    • Download data as CSV, Excel and PDF files
  • Gold

    Every month
    Essential for decision makers.
     14 day free trial
    • Comprehensive company overviews
    • Past and present company officers directors and secretaries
    • Disqualified officers
    • Filing history of all documents e.g. accounts and directors
    • Legal charges e.g. mortgages and debentures
    • Persons with significant control
    • Advanced company search for multiple criteria
    • Download data as CSV, Excel and PDF files
    • Access LinkedIn profiles for companies and officers
    • Freehold and leasehold property data
    • Search properties by Land Registry Title or Address
    • Search properties owned by distressed companies
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